At Mary D's Dog Training, we offer 8 levels of dog obedience skills.

AKC Dog Trainer Medals | Sussex County, DE | Mary D's Dog Training
Basic Dog Obedience Skill Training | Sussex County, DE | Mary D's Dog Training


Level 1 Basic Dog Obedience for Pups from 10 Weeks to Seniors of All Ages

Basic Obedience is more than just “Sit, Down and Stay”. At Mary D’s Dog Training our classes cover all types of good manners from no barking and no jumping to Loose Leash Walking, Reliable Recall and polite meet and greet with people and other dogs. Learning shouldn’t be all work, so we add in “shake, rollover and combat crawl” just for fun. Every dog should have a few tricks up their sleeve. All basic obedience classes cover 23 different commands and behaviors that you can modify to your lifestyle and level of activity with your dog.

Level 2 Heeling Dog Obedience

Heeling and adding complexity and distractions to the skills learned in Basic Obedience Training

This class will take your dog/pup to a whole new level of focus, attention, and obedience. Heeling is walking on the (L) side of your body and controlled by the stop and starts of your left leg. This class will be a foundation class for those of you who would like to continue in Rally. For the rest of us, we can just enjoy a dog that will walk with us; not drag us down the road. This six-week class introduces several ways for your dog to “heel up”, turn in several different directions, stop and start all with one word and the movements of your left leg. We also continue working on “stay” by adding distance and distractions. Do you think your dog could do a 30’ stay with a bouncing ball or a squeaky toy in front of their face? Well, after this class level, the distance stays with distractions will be a piece of cake!

Level 3 Canine Good Citizen Skills Class*

(I am a CGC examiner)

Obedient Dog | Sussex County, DE | Mary D's Dog Training

The AKC class is the foundation class for all of you who want to take your dog into a therapy dog, reading dog, service dog or other support dog training. There are 10 skills the dog must pass without treats. The most difficult of the 10 skills is the Three Minute Supervised Separation. But believe it or not, most dogs can pass all 10 skills after this six-week class. Your dog will learn not to startle at loud noises, meet and greet humans and other dogs without head butting, jumping or butt-sniffing.


The dog performs 10 skills from the Novice list. (see link to “Application” below for lists of skills). If a dog has a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate or title on record at AKC, it can do 5 Novice tricks (CGC + 5) to earn the Novice title. Some of the trick skills your puppy will learn are over, under, in, motion, and leg work.

Basic dog obedience skills training for customers in Sussex County, Delaware and surrounding areas

OuNeOur pups showing offw Titl

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